West Elbow Local Area Plan (WELAP)
Local Area Plans set the vision for growth and change in a group of communities over the span of 30+ years. A Local Area Plan provides guidance and direction on development, investment, and community improvements that residents, landowners, builders/developers, city planners and councillors can commonly refer to when new ideas are proposed for the area. Local area plans exist to support communities as they change

Sunalta, along with 15 other communities between the bow river, elbow river, and Crowchild trail in the SW quadrant of the city. In September of 2023, the City of Calgary began phase 1 of this plan. You can learn more about this plan and ways to get involved by visiting the City of Calgary Website at West Elbow Communities Local Area Planning | Engage (calgary.ca).
This plan exists to support the evolution of our community as it changes over the next 30 years. As development proposals are submitted, the SPDC will reflect on the findings of the WELAP to inform our decisions.
PHASE 2: Explore
The City of Calgary has shifted into the second phase of West Elbow Local Area Plan. Visit their website to learn more about this session or sign up for engagement West Elbow Phase 2: EXPLORE | West Elbow Communities Local Area Planning | Engage (calgary.ca)
In-person Engagement Session:
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the
Elbow Park Residents Association (800 34 Ave S.W.).
Registration not required. Drop in between 6 - 8 p.m.
Sunalta Area Redevelopment Plan (SARP)
The Sunalta Area Redevelopment Plan was first drafted in consultation with the community and approved by City Council in 1988. After three years of community engagement, the Part II Transit Oriented Development Area amendment was approved in 2009, the most recent revisions of this plan were in May 2019.
The SARP defines and communicates the community context to developers and the community at large. The SPDC uses this document as a general guide on how to form its expressions of support, its critical comments, and its objections to any particular application.
Sunalta Terms of Reference (Sunalta ToM):
The Sunalta ToM was first ratified by the Board of Directors in November 2013 and revised in January 2018. The purpose of the Sunalta Terms of Reference is to outline the conditions laid out in the SARP which allows for the earning of bonus density through cash contributions to a community enhancement fund, the Sunalta Community Investment Fund. This ensures that developers are held to a standard of supporting communities in adding amenities as density increases.
Sunalta Community Investment Fund
West Village Area Redevelopment Plan (WVARP):
The West Village Area Redevelopment Plan was first drafted in consultation with the community and approved by City Council in 2010. The WVARP provides the vision and guiding strategic policies through which this under utilized commercial area will be transformed. The West Village Plan area extends northward from the new Sunalta LRT Station and so provides an ideal venue for the implementation of a mixed use, pedestrian and transit-oriented, sustainable urban community on a former brownfield site.